When I was in College, while taking up Marketing, we had to develop different products, business proposal,marketing plans and presentation and everything that involves Marketing. Though it was stressful on our part as students, I actually enjoyed making business proposals and doing business presentation. And because I enjoyed it, I came to realize that the career that I wanted was to be a business owner someday, a full pledged entrepreneur.
But in reality, being a student making business proposals is so different from being a business owner. I can say that as a business owner,you are also like a student trying to learn the bits and pieces of owning a business. The difference is, as a student, you are doing it to get a good grade and pass the subject and eventually graduate, but for an entrepreneur, it's not just about passing grades or the subject, it's about passing all the obstacles that comes in owning your own business and it doesn't stop as there is no graduation, it is a continuing process of learning to build your business to grow. As an entrepreneur, you don't stop building your business even if you're already earning billions of money.

Take Jollibee as an example, it only started from a two branch ice cream parlor in 1975 then later on offered hot meals and sandwiches in 1978 opening up to seven outlets that later on offered the hamburger concept which paved way to overturn the face of fast food chain in the Philippines. And the rest is history as where they are right now in our Market. And they are one of the best examples of an entrepreneur who doesn't stop even when they have earned billions already as they continue to expand their presence in the industry by acquiring known food companies such as Chowking, Red Ribbon, Greenwich, Teriyaki Boy and the latest is Mang Inasal who was aggressively competing within their market share. Joliibee only proves that being an entrepreneur is endless, you always seek ways on how to grow and expand even if you've already built an empire that is strong and will last for generations.

Such story is not only known for Jollibee's humble beginnings, who doesn't know of SM Group of Companies business history? Who would not be familiar with its owner, Henry Sy when he is the riches man in our country today. Started selling shoes at a young age and later on expanded in putting up his own department store which is still open at SM Quiapo, he has expanded his business into owning all the SM malls where we usually do our shopping into banking and real estate as they are building their own properties such as condominiums.
These are inspirational stories that can totally lift up your entrepreneural side that anyone can be an entrepreneur if we just work hard and continue to learn to grow. Don't stop believing in what you can do as big things come from small beginnings. But you will never realize your dream to become an entrepreneur unless you start now.